Elon Musk’s new clothes – Why it’s time to leave X now

The new year can bring a variety of good resolutions: Maintain confidence. Keep a clear head. Consume less and better media. And: To hell with X. Because the social network doesn’t fulfil essential standards for freedom of speech. Yet, according to Elon Musk, this is...

Deus ex machina – How pathetic or dangerous is religious AI?

AI can do a lot — but can it also convincingly play God? Why not, the initiators of religious chatbots asked themselves. Today, self-learning neural networks (i.e., “artificial intelligence”) can relatively easily pretend to be Beethoven, George R.R. Martin, President...

Our message against chatcontrol in the EU

The ePrivacy Derogation planned in the EU is an unprecedented attack on our electronic privacy of correspondence. And it is completely unsuitable for the supposed good purpose – combating child abuse. Sometimes you have the impression of being a little crazy. You read...

Twelve answers to “The Social Dilemma”

Sometimes there are movie that change the way an entire generation looks at a subject. „An Inconvenient Truth“ was such a movie. „Holocaust“. or maybe „We feed the world“. The Netflix production “The Social Dilemma” stands in this line for me — although maybe the...

You believe in the great conspiracy? Then you should read this one!

“Please do not hang up now!” said a haunting male voice on the other end of the line. Everything was quiet for a moment. Calm but resolutely he continued: “I have something important to tell you, it will only take a few minutes.” This dramatic introduction leads us...