AI can do a lot — but can it also convincingly play God? Why not, the initiators of religious chatbots asked themselves. Today, self-learning neural networks (i.e., “artificial intelligence”) can relatively easily pretend to be Beethoven, George R.R. Martin, President...
Chat GPT brought the latest shockwave of AI awareness, when hit the public recently in November 2022. Since that, the system has learned that 1 kg of feathers is not lighter than 1 kg of lead. But how does it handle value issues and attempted manipulation? This is an...
An initial thesis Recommendation algorithms* and moderation rules in social media shape our societies. Their impact is hard to overerestimate, be it positive or negative. Much of the polarization, fear and insecurity we experience in our pluralistic societies...
A memorandum with seven examples and seven proposals. The last few months have shown that our democracies can face serious crises of confidence as a result of media-driven polarization. If we want to further protect freedom of expression and fundamental rights, we...
Only few people have such deep, painful and wise insights into the topic of child pornography as Alexander Hanff. In this interview, he explains why the EU’s planned ePrivacy Derogation won’t work, but will do a lot of damage. Alexander Hanff, himself a survivor of...
The ePrivacy Derogation planned in the EU is an unprecedented attack on our electronic privacy of correspondence. And it is completely unsuitable for the supposed good purpose – combating child abuse. Sometimes you have the impression of being a little crazy. You read...
According to a hastily passed EU ePrivacy Derogation, our entire electronic communication will be searched for indications of paedophilia in the future. The EU Commission believes it has every right to carry out such an Orwellian invasion of privacy – because it is...
Sometimes there are movie that change the way an entire generation looks at a subject. „An Inconvenient Truth“ was such a movie. „Holocaust“. or maybe „We feed the world“. The Netflix production “The Social Dilemma” stands in this line for me — although maybe the...
“Please do not hang up now!” said a haunting male voice on the other end of the line. Everything was quiet for a moment. Calm but resolutely he continued: “I have something important to tell you, it will only take a few minutes.” This dramatic introduction leads us...
New apps are being developed in an attempt to get the Covid-19 pandemic under control and restore a halfway normal life. Sewn with a hot needle, these apps could become a disaster. The good news is: Trustworthy solutions are in sight and might serve as a blueprint in...