Why sexting is perfectly normal behaviour – and should be protected

49 to 88 Percent. Thats the figure. It’s the amount of average people that exchange intimate, sexually explicit content online. Sending hot images and sexting via messengers, chats, dating platforms. So much for “I have nothing to hide“. Does that surprise us? Not...

Our data belong to us – don’t they? About data ownership

The question of who owns the data treasure we have created, who is allowed to process it and why that is so, has not been answered to date. Some people think that it’s even better that way: That data ownership was Pandora’s box, the beginning of the end. Here are a...

The thing about surveillance cameras

Surveillance cameras are supposed to bring us more security. This promise is only partly being fulfilled. Also, however, there is a thin line that turns the camera into a perpetrator, a totalitarian instrument. This is about why we should prevent and punish the...

Do we need a declaration of digital human rights?

Dealing with this subject, I found a recent panel discussion from the Web Summit 2018, that covers exactly this issue. It serves very well to point out the positions and set a few common misunderstandings straight (though you don’t need to see it to read this...

Why we are better off with digital human rights

To start with, a story and a quiz. We all know this kind of story: For several years, before every taxi order I was asked by a friendly voice to use a taxi app. When even a taxi driver gave me a recommendation card, I decided to give it a try. The result was stunning....

Document: Defending human rights in the age of digitalization

The following document was published as part of our position paper of the Giordano-Bruno-Foundation (”How should IT work?“), which was prepared at a workshop in Berlin in May 2018 and revisted by renowned lawyers, ethicists and IT specialists. The formulation...